What is Black Woman Be
Whole (BWBW)?
Black Woman Be Whole is an organization dedicated to assisting Black women on their emotional and mental health journey. Through our signature programs, we provide a safe space for Black women to heal from their wounds. We believe in the power of sisterhood, which is why we offer group sessions to encourage interaction with other Black women, including the organization's founders.
How much does a workshop or experience cost?
The cost of our workshops and experiences vary. Please visit the Services page for more details on each program.
Do you only serve the
State of New York?
No, we host workshops and experiences in other states as well as virtually. If you would like us to host a workshop or experience in your state, let us know at info@blackwomanbewhole.com or use the Contact Us section.
Are you hiring for
Black Woman Be Whole?
Yes! If you are a therapist, we could use extra hands to help us facilitate workshops and experiences. Reach out to us at info@blackwomanbewhole.com.
Can I cancel and get a refund?
There are no refunds, but you can cancel your participation in a workshop or experience 3 days prior to the event.
The cost you paid for the workshop or experience will be usable on another workshop or experience.
What happens after I sign up for a virtual event?
You will receive an email confirming your registration and outlining event details after you sign up. If you have any issues please reach out to us at
How can Black Woman
Be Whole help me?
The philosophy behind Black Woman Be Whole is to examine the various aspects of your life to understand who you are today. This reflective practice can immensely help both your mental and emotional health. The added layer of community support and interaction is also purposeful in fostering an environment of healing. The end goal is to help you to better understand yourself, your needs, and learn how to communicate this with others.
How do I pay for the workshop?
You can find links to pay for workshops through this website. A payment gateway will be provided for you to submit your payment information. You can also make payments through bank transfer, debit/credit cards, Cash App, Venmo,
and PayPal.
What do I need to bring to an
in-person workshop or experience?
Nothing! We only require that you come with an open mind and be open to meeting and interacting with other Black women alike.
Can I bring my child along
to the workshop?
No! We advise that you keep your children or any other person or thing that may cause a disturbance at home. This is because we will not be making provisions for children or other persons.
What if I missed the workshop or experience?
You can contact us at info@blackwomanbewhole.com to use the amount you paid on another Black Woman Be Whole workshop or experience.
There are no refunds.
Is Black Woman Be Whole only for Black women?
Yes, Black Woman Be Whole is strictly for women who identify as Black.
Does Black Woman Be Whole offer online consultations?
Yes, we offer experiences both on- and offline. All event descriptions will clearly state whether the event will be virtual
or in-person.
How do I register for a Black Woman Be Whole workshop or experience?
A registration form will be provided on any experience or workshop page, where you can submit the required information and make a payment.
Does Black Woman Be Whole offer personal or private therapy sessions?
No, Black Woman Be Whole is strictly a collective program. You can request a workshop or experience for an intimate group here.
What if it does not work
for me?
If you feel a workshop or experience did not work for you, reach out to talk to us about your concerns. We will help you in any way we can.
How will I get to the venue of
an-person workshop or experience?
You can get to the workshop or experience by taking any of the commercial transportation available such as a train, taxi, or bus. If you have a hard time locating the venue, reach out to us via info@blackwomanbewhole.com to get directions. You can also use Google Maps to locate the venue.