Go Lay Down: The Importance of Rest for Black Women
Join Kim, Marquia, and Ednesha as they talk about the importance of rest!
Quote from an article written by Ralinda Watts:
“Rest in the form of resistance can include naps because our bodies benefit from sleep and relaxation. However, it also encompasses removing ourselves from environments, institutions, practices, and people that are unsafe and toxic, where it's evident that our presence and voices aren't respected, listened to, loved, and cared for. Rest is our protection and our superpower, inviting us to reimagine, reinvent, and rebuild new systems of accountability.”
Do you know that there are 7 different types of rest?
Physical, mental, spiritual, social, emotional, sensory, and creative.
Physical, can be sleeping and napping and it also yoga, massages, and stretching
Mental which is basically quieting your mind and not having those racing thoughts.
Spiritual is feeling like we belong and we’re contributing to the great good
Social is being with people who feed you and not drain you
Emotional rest is when you can be open and honest about your feelings and not keep how we really
feel in check.
Sensory is notifications constantly going off on your phone, too much zoom, too much light and noise
Creative rest has to do with nature, and art.
What do ya’ll think of that quote? Do you consider rest to be radical or an act of resistance? Did you know about these different types of rest?